Car Respray Prices
The guide has been written to answer some of the questions you may have about Respraying your Land Rover in . We have the produced the following guide to help you understand what is involved in the job and what you need to do if you would like to carry the car respray out yourself.
Having the paint on your car resprayed is a great way to restore its appearance and cover up any scratches, scuffs or fading that may have built up over time.
You can try to respray a car yourself however the finish will not be as professional unless you are an expert.
Specialist bodyshops in will be able to provide you with a fresh and quality finish which is why recommend getting quotes to see how much it will cost.
All you have to do is fill in your personal details and the details of your car and we will then be able to find the best local bodyshops or gargaes to provide car respray quotes directly to you.
What is involved during a car respray?
After cleaning the car with soap and water, the mechanic will scrub your Land Rover with a special sanding sponge which will help the new paint stick to the car.
All of the windows, tyres and trimmings will then be covered with newspaper and sheets as it is important not to get any paint on these parts.
Different garages have different spaces for respraying a car as some will have specialised machinery and rooms whereas others will carry out the respray in a conventional space. The mechanics themselves may spray your Land Rover manually as opposed to using machines if they are not a specialist body shop.
Having a professional carry out a car respray will ensure the quality of the job is ensured however if the cost of a car respray is too much you can always try it yourself.
At FixMyCar we would recommend that you post the job in the form above and simply wait to see how much garages in will charge for the job. It’s a completely free service so it is worth finding out before you decide to respray your own car.
Below are the steps you need to take to respray your own car properly if the quotes you have recieved are too expensive.
How to Respray a Car
Materials for car spray
You need to gather all of the supplies required to respray your Land Rover which includes; 5-10 cans of paint cans (depending on the size of your car), masking tape, lots of newspaper, a paint drip cloth, a sanding sponge, 3-4 cans of flat grey spray primer and rust killer spray.
All of these supplies can be bought online.
Where to respray a car
It is essential that you carry out the respray on your Land Rover in a well ventilated area however this cannot simply be somewhere outside. If there is a high amount of sun exposure to the paint then it will ruin the work you have done, similarly, if it rains the pain will run and cause streaking on your Land Rover.
Many people who decide to respray their own cars do so in a garage. If you are considering doing the same thing it is vital that you cover the entire area including the floors and walls. The paint will get everywhere so cover everything!
Cleaning before a car respray
Your Land Rover needs to be completely clean and dry for the new layer of paint to stick to the exterior properly.
You should take your car to a car wash or carry out a through clean yourself with hot soapy water. This may be better than a car wash as the drive back home may result in your car picking up dirt on the journey.
Preparing a Land Rover before a respray
This is where you make use of your sanding sponge. Wet the sponge and scrub the entire area which will be resprayed. This will help the new layer of paint stick to the car.
Dry the car before respray
As soon as you have finished scrubbing the car with the wet sanding sponge, its time to dry the car. once more this is a vital part of getting the Land Rover ready for a respray.
If the weather is suitable and dry, leave the Land Rover out to dry further.
Remove rust before a respray
If there are any rusted areas on the car then you need to ensure that they are as sanded down as much as possible as this will help the new paint cover the damage.
You also need to ensure that all of the dirt is removed from the rusted areas as this will prevent the new paint from sticking to the car.
Using spray on rust killer is a good way of helping the paint stick properly. Ensure any rusted area are covered by rust killer.
Cover the windows before a respray
As soon as the car is bone dry, it’s time to cover all of the fittings such as the windows, wheels and handles with masking tape, newspaper and sheets.
Respraying a car
Now you can begin respraying your Land Rover. Start by using the primer on the rusted areas as this will also help with covering the damage effectively.
Cover everything during a car respray
As soon as all of the damaged area are covered in primer, you can begin respraying the Land Rover. It is important to focus on one area of the car at a time. Such as all of the car doors individually, then the bumpers and so on. It is important to provide a light and even coat the first time around. Once this is complete you can begin with the second and third coat.
The car spray paint that you use will carry instructions in regards to how long it will take to dry so make sure to pay attention, as it may vary from brand to brand.
If you follow these instructions properly, you will have a great chance of carrying out a professional looking job.
However, there is a huge amount of care and attention required to perform an expert job which is why we would recommend having a body shop or mechanic carry out the car respray.
Finding a mechanic you can trust to do a good job and charge a fair price, is not always easy, which is why we've simplified the process.
We work with a network of 52 mechanics and garages across the UK so we can find competitive car respray deals for you.
To find the best car resprays available in your ;
- Enter your car registration number
- Give us a few details about your car and your requirements
- We’ll send you a great selection of quotes from mechanics and garages in
You can then compare the quotes and read reviews from previous customers to find the best deal before booking the car respray online.